Insight Paper


Topics discussed in this paper include:

Start-Ups Methodologies Venture Capital

Start-ups and Business Valuations Explained

The dawn of the digital age, and the evolution of the smart-phone as an essential part of daily life, has seen a quantum increase in the number of start-up businesses. But the challenge every start-up entrepreneur has faced remains: mounting a convincing and believeable pitch that will secure the much-needed funding to germinate the seed of a business idea and grow it into a full-fledged, successful business operation. This Bizval paper is intended to shed some light on aspects of this oft-confusing process.

Consider the apps on your mobile device. At the time of writing there are over 3.8 million ‘apps’ available for download. One could safely assume there would at least be the same amount again being developed. And these are just the app-related start-ups!

Each app is, in essence, a start-up business in its own right. There is the need to raise capital to help germinate the developer’s idea and grow it.

This analogy is true for most any business start-up you can think of.

With that in mind, we have written a guide to assist Accountants, Lawyers, Advisors, Entrepreneurs and Investors.

Our paper is in no way intended to be a comprehensive guide for, as explained in more 
detail later, there are many different approaches and methods to valuing start-ups, with new methods and hybrids of existing methods being created all the time!

Instead our paper attempts to cut through the overwhelming number of theories, jargon and detail available in order to provide you with a better, clearer, more educated knowledge of valuing start-ups.

We also examine related topics such as goodwill, increasing value, the different types of value and how these relate to start-ups. Results of some of our actual start-up valuations are outlined, along with ways we can help entrepreneurs to take the next start in their start-up journey.

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